Keeping up with this blog is proving to be tougher than I had initially thought. Maybe I need some lessons in time management, or maybe the reality of us both having full time jobs and little time to spend with the kids during the week has finally set in. By the time we get the kids off to bed, we're often too exhausted to even think about updating these pages. So, here is a brief rundown of what's new in our life.
Emerson is loving her role as a big sister. She has been a great help when it comes time to feed, change and generally entertain Everett. She absolutely LOVES to make him laugh and will do anything and everything to accomplish that goal. We recently decided that giving the kids separate baths just wasn't working, so about every other night they both pile into the tub. It is pretty cute to see them getting along so well.
Everett cut his first two teeth over the Christmas holiday. We've been introducing solids to him for a while (his favorite is bananas). He also likes Gerber puffs and cheese. He's also showing signs of full fledged crawling, right now he's mastering the "army" crawl. All in all, he's a content little boy who in our opinion is growing up way too fast!
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